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Twelve traits that’ll make you an authentic, better person.
In an increasingly busy and demanding world where we often feel disconnected, it is becoming more and more important to check in with ourselves and our relationship to others and the world around us.
We can change the world through little acts of kindness, which have the potential to become unstoppable forces.
We can do this by working on ourselves.
Incorporating the following twelve traits into your daily routine will help you be a kinder, gentler you, that will have a huge impact on society.
1. Be Kind
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato
Responding to others with kindness takes very little effort but is massively rewarding. The smiles you leave behind have a tremendous effect on the world, leading from one person to another and another until it snowballs into something unstoppable.
2. Be Brave
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”― Anais Nin
We should always find the courage to push ourselves to our limits, because it is at the edge of our experiences where true growth happens. By believing in ourselves and allowing ourselves to be…